
Take a look at the top-tier players from all around the globe!

Ratio 71.67
W/L 215/3
Elo 2102
Win % 98.62
Ratio 8.36
W/L 184/22
Elo 1980
Win % 89.32
Ratio 6.78
W/L 251/37
Elo 1963
Win % 87.15
PST Username Ratio W/L Elo Win %
4 XpersionZ 12.0 84/7 1920 92.31
5 sloevibes2 11.5 46/4 1909 92.0
6 喔f_609633 10.57 148/14 1903 91.36
7 bananaboy2231 2.85 131/46 1895 74.01
8 ms_600735 48.0 48/1 1893 97.96
9 dora 47.0 47/1 1889 97.92
10 fv_285270 5.5 66/12 1883 84.62
11 xowiceb164 4.75 76/16 1880 82.61
12 av_724292 4.17 50/12 1870 80.65
13 shiwuxia2019 5.15 67/13 1866 83.75
14 shurax07 3.85 50/13 1865 79.37
15 Erotica23 4.07 61/15 1863 80.26
16 LaughJoker Infinity 38/0 1860 100.0
17 -SOBR- 12.25 49/4 1859 92.45
18 nib123 Infinity 33/0 1858 100.0
19 dryggdrazil 5.08 61/12 1855 83.56
20 Orion434 6.64 73/11 1852 86.9